Middle Class Parents as a Safety Net
An incubator for exceptionally resilient adults
Thank you for your submission! I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
Stephen Jay Gould
I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.
Stephen Jay Gould
52 percent of US adults under 30 are now living at home.
Do you hear that and think "I wish I had a safety net to pursue a better life."
Consider our PaaS if any of these apply to you:
- Were you homeless growing up?
- Couldn't finish HS because you had to work to keep a roof over your families head?
- Were you orphaned?
- Were you born with a congenital defect?
- Have no financial breathing room to persue opportunities.
- Want to start a company but your total lack of safety net leaves you scrambling.
- Would you like the leisure to focus on just 1 "hustle".
- Would like to do a "friends and family round" but... LOL, they all OWE you money.
- Relapsed with lukemia as a child and your parents left you emotionally abandonded? (yes, this is a thing)
- Grew up in an area with no access to capital connections?
- Are you a killer developer who is super smart but poverty still chases you in your dreams?
- Do you have an idea that could change your industry or even the world?
- Are you not an elite?
- OR
Did you grow up middle class or elite and:- Would like to meet and learn from the top 3% most resillient people in the U.S.?
- Know you've skated by and want to learn how to excel beyond your "cohorts mean"?
Parents, consider joining our group of elite host parents if any of these apply to you:
- The empty nest is a little lonely right now
- Your middle class kids are decadent from having such an easy life and are a bit of a disapointment, you'd like another kid but with more drive and ambition
- You have a big heart for all the hard working kids who didn't have good parents growing up.
- You have an unused room and wouldn't mind the company.
Terms & Conditions
- You and your dependents will be fed 3 meals every day and snacks
- You will get internet
- You will get health insurance
- You will not be given a car (this is not "Upper Middle Class Paas")
- You will get an old computer if you do not have one, Oregon trail will be installed, we will install some "safe browsing" software on this computer and your first task will be to disable it. You may have to share it with your younger brother.
- You are allowed to pirate any productivity or design software you need.. just don't tell us about it.
- You will have your own room, you may need to share it when the cousins come over.
- You will not be allowed to play video games all day.
- You must load and unload the dishwasher and keep your room clean.
- We are located near a wealthy zip code and you need to dress nice and at least fake local assimilation over there or we will box your ears.
- You will go to a developer meetups, chamber of commerce meetings or a local church and meet as many rich local people as you can.
- You will not be allowed to fail and become homeless and destitute, you are totally safe... but also you can't do hard drugs or we'll kick you out.
- If you're going to smoke you have to hide it from us.
- Don't be out too late with your friends.
- You must have a software startup idea. We will show it to wealthy uncle joe who's made some money in tech once you have it ready to demo.
- You must either be extremely wealthy or extremely poor or just worn out from trying so hard, it's been such tough year sweetie, we are so proud of you.
- If your startup hockey sticks you should assist your 'Middle Class Parents' in their dotage. Terms kick in after 9 months.
- You have 4 years of this guaranteed.
press inquiry at press@middleclasspaas.com